Sau Rieng meaning Durian in Vietnamese.. The King of all fruit.. It's Durian Season now.. although I always felt feverish after eating some, I still don't want to miss eating it at least once every season.. The good time to eat it of course during weekends..

There is one problem though.. The apartment imposed a strict "No Durian's" rule.. Our driver was caught once while smuggling it before and refused to do it again. This time our strategy is to put it in a tupperware, wrapped with newspaper and put it inside a bag to get pass through the security.

We went to the roadside stall last Friday night. As usual we have to argue first to buy the local durians.. I do not know why the vendor always insist for us to buy the durians from Thailand.. Maybe because he can charge a higher price.. we never like the one from Thailand, it is hard and not sweet at all.. it taste quite awful actually.. The local durian's however, taste heavenly.. a bit like our Durian Kampung..

When we got back and open the tupperware, all the durians turn mushy and out of shape.. We then decided to make it into "kuah durian" and eat it with soft, light pancakes.. of course we end up feeling feverish this weekend.. it was really worth it though..