I should have started packing by this weekend.. However there is something more important to do.. I shouldn't delay any longer mending Melati's best friend.. her rag doll.. she pronounced it as "Dau". She would bring that doll everywhere and she couldn't go to bed without it.. This is Melati at 6 months old.. already inseparable with the doll.. I bought this doll for Nilam but I put it in Melati's cot when she was born.. Among all of the toys that I've put there, that doll was the first and only thing that she reached for.. It is also sad to think that at this early age Melati already learned that her parents are not that reliable and could not always be by her side and she try to seek comfort in a more reliable thing such as the doll..
oh ms dau nak raya.. FOC facelift gitu.
wowww.. u r creative.. duduk sana lama2, kita jadi creative macam locals kan.. advantage tu..
lawanya ko 'rebrand' dau tu...
anak ko?
hahaha. rugged gile doll skrg. rambut pink tuh. no wonder adik campak awal2. terkejut dia tgk kot. LOL.
aiseh. kak na pun ade bakat menjahit mcm mak.
yg bestnya sini senang nak carik bahan, pegi je pasar.. cuba kat mesia nak beli kain buat doll ni, menggagaula tak tau mana nak carik, terus terbantut nak buat agaknya.. hehe..
I got carried away actually, original plan nak tampal muka je.. nasib baik tak histeria anak aku tu.. hehe..
mana kak na boleh jahit macam mak, sikit2 je.. setakat nak tempah baju rufus kat kak na bolehla kut.. lebih2 taklehla..hehe..
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